Monday, December 6, 2010


Today’s World Situation

We are living in a time in which the economic and financial problem is the most obvious in every single country of the world. The slowdown of the economy seems to prolong the situation, so people are trying to find new ideas to save their money in a manner that is profitable. More and more people have lost their trust in banks; some have difficulties in deciding which currency to save, while others have found the solution: buy gold coins. Gold is the only way to save the fruits of your work in a profitable manner; actually, gold coins are the solution. In the past few years, specialists have noticed that there has been an inclination towards saving in gold coins because gold offers security, reducing the risk of losing your money through inflation. Gold is so secure because it is used as a counterweight to any paper currency, in fact it is its own currency. For example, if the US dollar happens to fall, the cost of gold will rise, because is priced in dollars; this has also happened to other currencies such as the Thai baht, which fell in 1997 as a result of an Asian crisis. The price of gold rose to a very high level.

Owning a Gold Coin

If you wonder how to save money through gold, gold coins are the answer. Buying gold coins is the easiest way to own gold. There are several types of gold coins: bullion coins and rare gold coins. Bullion coins are very expensive, but their value is very high due to the fact that they the price of gold is at new highs. Collectors are not very interested in this type of gold coin because they were minted on a wide scale. However, several types of bullion coins are very popular among those who save their money in gold: the Gold American Eagle and Buffalo, the Gold Canadian Maple Leaf and the South African Krugerrand. With rare coins most of them have a higher value than a bullion coin because, in addition to the content of metal, they are scacer than bullion, which increases their value. Most of these rare gold coins are those minted between 1795 and 1933 in the United States.

Regardless of the type of gold coin you choose for your savings, you should know that your money is very safe.